This omelette was made with yogurt instead of cream. It gives a more punchy sour flavour. The spinach gives its custardy consistency a bit of a bite. Scallions are always a topping of choice, I added sour cream just to give the whole dish a...

A traditional Bulgarian breakfast dish. After poaching the eggs, we put them on top of yogurt, add feta cheese and paprika oil to complete. I added fresh leaves of thyme to make it a bit more exciting flavour and aroma-wise. This dish smells like it’s...

Always thought that grilled cheese pairs well with pork so this is my first experiment. Fried marinated butterflied pork chops go between buttery, cheesy slices of bread with a bit of caramelized onion. Paired with a vegetarian zucchini carpaccio with roasted tomatoes and lemon vinaigrette....