A successful experiment. Using mushroom stock brought a wonderful umami complexity to the dish. I brightened it with lime juice and coconut milk. The base is vegan, however, adding seafood (in this case, lobster) is a welcomed upgrade. Dehydrated tomato chips on top. ...

Very proud of this one. An amalgamation of inspirations. Those pickled beets carry the spirit of Christmas. Combined with the goat cheese, they bring a nice acidic kick to every bite. Sweet potato, walnuts, apple chips and Green Goddess dressing to complete the dish. ...

Moving into the colder season. This is the best pork chop I have ever had. Marinated for 24 hours, seared in its own fat, plated on a bed of sweet potato purée, topped with pear mostarda and a couple of quenelles of cranberry sauce on...

This reminds me of a summer at my grandma’s house. The combination of veggies from the garden and fresh eggs from our chicken results in a full-bellied, happy child. Remember, under NO circumstance can you decline your grandma’s offering of a second plate! ...

A well-known classic. The sweetness and tartness of the orange sauce cuts through the juicy dark meat. Here served with filo dough wrapped around an aromatic mushroom duxelle filling. ...

This omelette was made with yogurt instead of cream. It gives a more punchy sour flavour. The spinach gives its custardy consistency a bit of a bite. Scallions are always a topping of choice, I added sour cream just to give the whole dish a...